
I extend a warm welcome to you as you step into my world of storytelling, exploration, and the transformative power of narrative. Here, I wear many hats – filmmaker, photographer, investigative journalist, psychotherapist, and participatory photography facilitator. Through these roles, I've had the privilege of crafting stories that resonate with the human spirit and helping individuals heal through psychotherapy and counseling.

My name is Miguel Ángel Amórtegui, and I'm delighted to have you here. Join me on a journey that spans continents and cultures. Explore the intricate tapestry of human experience, from the bustling streets of London to the heart of Africa, from the refugee camps in Calais to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Whether it's empowering marginalized communities, sharing the untold stories of child soldiers, or helping survivors heal through narrative and counseling, my work is driven by a profound belief in the power of storytelling.

Here, you'll discover a diverse array of projects that reflect my enduring commitment to storytelling and healing. From films that stir the soul to photography that captures the essence of humanity, each piece carries a message, a narrative, and a purpose.

Feel free to delve into my portfolio, explore the collaborative projects, and immerse yourself in the transformative power of storytelling and psychotherapy. If you're inspired, if you seek to collaborate, or if you simply want to share your own narrative, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Welcome to my world of storytelling and visual narratives. I'm here to offer a range of professional services aimed at harnessing the power of storytelling. My mission is to empower individuals and communities to express themselves, heal through narrative, and create meaningful change. Below are the services I provide.


As an experienced visual storyteller, I specialize in creating compelling narratives that shine a spotlight on the incredible work undertaken by NGOs in the field. I understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by organizations dedicated to making a positive impact in communities worldwide. Here's how I can assist your NGO


Collaboration is at the heart of my storytelling journey. I thrive on working alongside organizations, communities, and individuals to co-create narratives that make a lasting impact. Whether it's partnering with NGOs to amplify their mission or joining forces with communities to empower them through participatory photography, I believe that the most compelling stories are those we create together. Let's embark on a collaborative project that brings your vision to life.


My participatory photography workshops are designed to empower individuals within disadvantaged or marginalized communities. Through these workshops, participants acquire photography and digital storytelling skills, enabling them to represent themselves and create tools for advocacy and communication.


Invite me to your event or conference as a keynote speaker. With a wealth of experiences and stories, I offer insightful talks that inspire, inform, and empower audiences to harness the transformative power of narrative.


My workshops and training sessions cover a range of topics related to storytelling, photography, and filmmaking. These sessions are suitable for individuals, groups, and organizations interested in enhancing their storytelling skills and understanding.


As a specialist in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), I offer psychotherapy and counseling services to help individuals navigate the complex terrain of trauma and its effects. My approach is deeply rooted in trauma-informed care, recognizing the healing potential of sharing traumatic experiences and stories.


My canvas is rich and diverse, where I skillfully harness the tools of photography and film to craft stories that resonate deeply. I've had the privilege of working with an eclectic clientele, ranging from commercial organizations to not-for-profit groups and social enterprises. Notable entities such as the BBC, Christian Aid, ODI (Overseas Development Institute), Bank Santander, PhotoVoice, Calista Advertisement, FSI Law, Botswana High Commission, Frontier Economics, and more have entrusted me with their stories. My work has graced not only the UK but also international exhibitions across Europe, the United States, Africa, and South America.